Join the team!
We’re always on the look out for new anglers to add to our growing community, if you think you’d be able to bring something to the Godman Angling team, click the button below and fill in your details to apply to be a Godman Team Member:

gold members
Dale chandler
Dale has been loyal to Godman Angling for a number of years now, he became a consultant and team manager for us in February 2022 and has been the backbone of our team growth. Dale never fails to take a great pic either! You can see more on his Instagram @hobo_carperdale
Chris skelton
Chris has been fishing for over 20 years, he originally joined our team in March 2021 and he’s had some beautiful results using our PVA. In the summer of 2022 Chris helped introduced the rainbow nuggets to our product range. See more on his Instagram @chris87skelton
Glenn young
Glenn joined our team in the Autumn of 2021, he has been carp fishing for several years and became a consultant in 2022. Glenn is the owner of Check out his Instagram @ultimatecarpgiveaways for a chance to win some of our premium PVA and other fishing gear.
Simon holmes
Some of you will have met Simon on our stand at NAS, he’s been part of our team for many years and a very talented angler. He’s had some beautiful catches using our PVA over the years, check him on on Instagram: @simonwej
Donna joined our team in spring 2022, she has a great passion for carp angling and has some great content. Check out her instagram @the_carp_kisser_x to see what she’s up to on the bank.
Lee Bateman
Lee also joined our team in 2022, we have seen some great things from him, and he’s always helping out Godman, like doing voiceovers for our YouTube videos! You can show him some support on his Instagram: @bateman9876
Karl Jenkins
Karl is a brilliant asset to our Godman Team, supplying us with endless, quality photos, including festive ones! Definitely go check out Karl, he has some fabulous content over on since Instagram: @karljenkins72
Rob Gainer
Rob joined our team in 2022, and we’ve seen some excellent content from him since then. Rob is our ‘Reel Pro’, as he posts some amazing reels over on his his Instagram: @robgainer9 Take a look!
Paul Holt
Paul joined our team in August 2022, he’s an experienced angler with some amazing photos on his Instagram: @paul.holt.739 Make sure you check him out, he’s a much valued team member for Godman!
MArtin Garraway
Martin is an incredibly experienced carp angler with PBs up to 41lb. We always absolutely love seeing Martin's high quality catch photos, why not check them out for yourself, here on his Instagram: @smurf_angler
scott goddard
Scott joined the team in June 2022, and is the KING of Godman product photos, we’re very thankful for him! Scott has some great catch photos too, so check his Instagram out: @goddard1988
Charlotte Blick
Charlotte is an international welsh carp angler, she has many years experience and beautiful results. Charlotte is also part of the WelshLadiesCarpTeam! Go follow her on Instagram to see her posts @hooked_on_chaarl
Ashley Hoare
Ashley joined us in the Summer of 2022, and is one of our most consistent posters! Ashley likes to spend his time out on the bank with our fellow Team Member Natalie! Ashley’s Instagram: @ash_carping99
Ashley has been on our team since May 2020 and has had some excellent catches, see more on his instagram
Andrew joined our team in 2020, he has had some great success using our products, check out his instagram @andrew.chipman.9
Danny joined our team in 2020 and has had some excellent results. See more of his pictures on his instagram @hullcarper91
Joe joined our team in the summer of 2022, he has had some great results whilst using our products, check out his instagram content @joe_boy_carper and give him a follow!
Dave Sacker
Dave joined our team in 2018 and has had come great catches, he’s been loyal to Godman Angling over the years and you can see more on his instagram @davesacker
Natalie Hall
Nat joined the team in 2022 and has been a great addition to the Godman team. We see so many great posts from Nat over on her Instagram @natscarpfishing, give her a follow!
Danny O’Flynn
Danny joined the Godman team in 2022, he’s been fishing for around 15 years. He got great content over on his instagram @danoflynn83, go check him out
Anthony Horton
Anthony has been part of the godman team since 2022, he’s been a great inspiration to many disabled anglers out there, having some great reports on his instagram, check him out! @horton.anthony
Liam Thornton
Liam is another team member who joined in 2022, he’s been angling for a number of years now and has some great content on his instagram @ljt.angling
James Rogers
Jim joined out team back in 2021, he’s an experienced carp angler with a wealth of knowledge, you can see more of what he does on his instagram @jimscarpingadventures or check out his facebook group Jim’s Carping Adverntures.
Shaun King
Shaun has been part of out team for a few years and has had some great results using our PVA. Go and check out his instagram to see more of his content @SK_Angling
Gemma is one of our latest members to join our friendly team, she joined in the Spring of 2022 and is an experienced angler in Wales. She has some amazing content, if you head over to her instagram page @cymru_gemma you can see what she get’s up to.
Richard Turner
We’ve had the pleasure of having Rick over at Godman HQ to take a look at how it all happens. Rick has been a carp angler for many years, see more on his instagram rick.turner01
Jack Tierney
Jack joined our team in September 2022, he’s an experienced angler with some great posts on his instragram account @jacks_carp_adventures_
jacob ablett
Jacob is another new team member, and joined in July 2022. Go check out his Instagram to see what he gets up to on the lake: @jacobabo23
Adam carpangler
Adam has been part of our team since 2019, he’s one of our long time team members and we’ve seen some great content from him on his instagram @adams_banksidememories
David Bannister
David has been part of our team since 2020, he’s had some excellent results, see more on his instagram @bannisterdavid
Andrew Taylor
Andrew joined our team in 2022, he is very active on the bank and through social media, you can see more on his facebook page and instagram @andrewtaylor_fishingadventures
Rob Lawton
We love seeing Rob’s posts, even though he recently joined our team in 2022, go check out his instagram @lawton_rob and see what he’s up to.
Colin Adey
Colin is a keen angler and has only been part of our team since May 2022, but we’ve seen some great posts from him, check him out on instagram @tiny.1737_ya
Sam Barker
Sam has been part of our team right from the start, making him one of the oldest team members here. He regularly fishes with his family, check him out on instagram @sleb1987
Bradley Peters
Bradley has been angling for almost 10 years and is part of Caerphilly Angling Team. You can see more of what he does on his instagram @bradley_peters_angler
Adam Croser
Adam is a new team member for 2022, he is an experienced and passionate angler with many years of experience. Follow him on instagram @carper_78
Matt Harris
Matt has been part of our team since May 2022, he has some great content on his instagram @mattyharris10
Jamie Lunn
Jamie is another new team member joining us in 2022, we love seeing his catch reports, head over to his instagram @lunnster11 to see more!
James Boulton
James joined the team in 2022 and has been a great addition to the Godman team. We see so many great posts over on his Instagram @james_____boulton, give him a follow!
Chrissy Williams
Chrissy is a keen, passionate angler having much success over the years, she has been on our team since the start of 2022, follow her on instagram @chrissycarping
josh shakespeare
Josh describes himself as a passionate angler, and is always impressing us with his great product pics! Josh swears by our PVA bags and is always using them on the bank. Instagram: @jds_angling
The Yorkshire Anglers
The Yorkshire Anglers are our first group on our team, which we took on in the summer of 2022. They are big supporters of Phoenix Heroes and volunteer their time often supporting vetereans. Their youtube has some great videos which you can find and subscribe here: and you can view their instagram at @yorkshireanglers
stephan wendl
Coming all the way from Germany, Stephan has been apart of the Godman family for a number of years now, with his great catch and product pics, we recommend following him: @stephan _ wendl _
ben tyler
Ben joined our team recently in 2023, he fell in love with our PVA bags, and says 'they give me confidence’. Make sure you check out his Instagram: @carper_uk
Join the team!
If you think you’d be able to bring something to the Godman Angling team, click the button below and fill in your details.